Alex Floyd


Dancer / Choreographer

Alex Floyd, born and raised in the mountains of Colorado, trained in dance from age 3 on at Terpsichore Dance Studio and summer intensives with Cleo Parker Robinson Dance and Axis Dance. Alex attended the University of Wyoming to receive her BFA in Dance Performance and a minor in international studies. After graduation, Alex moved to Los Angeles to start her own dance company, OdDancity at age 22.

Since then, OdDancity has put up 8 full length shows and has morphed into the nation's first company that focuses on immersive and psychological works. Alex also performs and teaches dance in various capacities. She is commissioned by Cusi Coyllur, a musical artist to create dance music videos. She has worked with film projects and musical artists as a choreographer. Alex is also on the board of the nonprofit Young Choreographers Project as well as a mentor and teacher. With this project, she brings choreography and mentorship to underserved youth in LA.

Alex has also been a professional nanny in Los Angeles for 9 years and has incredible experiences with children of all ages.

Alex Floyd Dancing