Simple Ways To Promote Sustainable Living In Your Home

 Climate change has pushed the importance of sustainability to the forefront.  With limited amounts of natural resources, it is essential that we act responsibly now so that we can minimize climate change and retain enough resources for future generations.  

What exactly is sustainability?

The concept of sustainability first appeared in 1987 in a document titled Our Common Future which was intended to warn the world about the negative environmental consequences of globalization and to offer solutions on how to minimize damage.

Sustainability today aims to meet the current population’s needs, while also ensuring that there will be enough resources for future generations. Its primary goals are protecting the environment, promoting social development, and creating economic growth that generates wealth for all, without harming the environment.

Many of the most serious challenges in our world such as water scarcity, severe weather, and poverty are best addressed from a global perspective that promotes sustainability.

How can we promote sustainable living?

One of the most effective ways to promote sustainable living is through education. A Stanford University study showed that kids who learned about environmentalism showed better critical thinking skills, more engagement in lessons, and an 83% increase in behaviors that improve the environment.

But, what if your kids’ school doesn’t put much emphasis on care for the environment?  How can you help them understand the importance of living a sustainable life?

Lead by example

Children learn best by watching. Make your home a place where sustainable practices are the norm. Use recycling bins in your house. Pick up trash in your neighborhood. Shop with reusable bags. Look into alternative energy sources for your home. Consider shifting to a plant-based diet whenever possible.  Normalizing sustainable habits while your children are young will make environmental care a natural part of their life as they grow.

Foster a community of like-minded individuals 

Just as children learn by watching their parents, so too do they learn from their community.  Building a community of families who understand the importance of sustainable living will give children support to make good environmental decisions.  Look for clubs, programs or family centers that emphasize sustainable living.

Make environmentally conscious purchases 

One of the most powerful tools we have in our society is consumer choice.  Explain to your children why you choose certain companies over others. Buy biodegradable cleaning products and reusable bottles. Take them with you when you go to thrift stores or local farmers markets and explain why you choose to shop at those places.  Even a few sustainable choices make a huge impact on the kind of consumers your children become. 

Take them outdoors.

Kids are much more likely to care about issues that are personal to them.  If they love swimming in lakes and hiking in the woods, they will be more likely to understand the importance of preserving clean water and green spaces. Not only will a love for the outdoors help them to have an emotional connection to environmental issues, it may also help them to develop other sustainable living choices such as walking, biking, composting, and gardening.

Teach them the importance of small changes.

Trying to solve all of the world’s environmental issues is a daunting task. It can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that individuals can’t make much of an impact. Help your kids understand that every small change contributes to the greater good. Through sustainable habits and strong community, we can help raise young people who are active, informed participants in a global initiative to build a better future.

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