Why You Need A Village For Your Child And How To Create One

Most of us are familiar with the African proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child.” But, as much as we may appreciate the sentiment, the reality may seem impossible in our modern society. Our days are so fragmented and overscheduled that even time with our nuclear families is scarce, let alone time for building a larger community to help nurture our children.

So, is it really worth it? What are the actual benefits of creating a village?

Communal belonging

Community, when simplified down to its most important element, is not just a group of people, but a feeling of connection. When we’re part of a community we feel supported and accepted for who we are. 

Humans are social beings who are not meant to live in isolation. Community is critical for us to thrive. In fact, studies have shown that people in neighborhoods with higher levels of social cohesion experience lower rates of mental health problems than those in neighborhoods with lower cohesion, independent of how wealthy the neighbourhood is. 

Multiple sources of nurturing

Relying on one or two adults for care puts a lot of pressure on both the adults and the children. Having multiple sources of nurturing can give children the courage and confidence they need to step outside their comfort zones.

Different strengths

Modern society often makes us feel that we, as parents, need to have all the answers. A village changes that. When our children have many adults in their community, they are able to benefit from all of the different strengths and experiences that each one has to offer. For instance, they may have an adult in their community they can be silly and share jokes with and another that offers them concrete, practical life advice.

Builds trust

While it’s important to teach children to be cautious around new adults, the truth is that the vast majority of people are safe. Being part of a village of trustworthy reliable adults teaches children that the world is mostly good. It builds their trust and encourages them to create deep meaningful relationships with people.

So, how can we create a village?

While the benefits to having a village are numerous, creating one in our modern world can be challenging. In the past, cultural and religious traditions, combined with the necessity of reliance on each other lent themselves to the creation of authentic villages. But now, in a world where religious practices are becoming less common and independence is more valued, it takes intention and commitment to build a village. 

Fortunately, there are many other people who also understand the importance of a strong community. Here are some ways to find them.

Talk about it

Have conversations with your kids about the importance of community and how to build connections in your neighborhood. Brainstorm projects or gatherings that will promote more collaboration in your community.

Get to know your neighbors

Your neighborhood is a great place to start building a village. Take walks, stop and chat, have porch or park gatherings. Creating a community of trusted helpers your kids can walk to will help them feel safer and encourage more neighborly interactions. 

Help out

A village is there for each other in both good times and challenging ones. Make meals for new parents or those who are facing illness. Offer to watch your neighbor’s kids so they can have a night out. Shovel your neighbor’s snow or help them rake their leaves. No matter how independent your neighbors may seem, the truth is we all could use some help from time to time. 

Create a community project

Build a garden, make a collaborative art project, create a fundraiser. There are so many ways to unite your community around a project. Working together builds trust and a sense of camaraderie.

Enroll your children in programs that value community

Look for educational environments that encourage community building around meaningful issues. At Afterschool Village, we promote a culture of sustainability that supports raising healthy children and nurturing their relationship with their community, their peers, their environment, and themselves.

Let our village help you raise your children. Join our Afterschool Village family! Check out our site for more information about summer camp and afterschool programs.

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